The Lord does not permit us to be complacent, to retain the beams in our eyes and that as an excuse for not helping others to be free of motes in their eyes. He commands that we quickly and urgently, as a matter of priority, cast the beams out of our eyes. As soon as we are cleansed from our secret faults (Psalm 19:12,13), having laid aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us (Hebrews 12:1), made free from sin and made righteous (Romans 6:18,22) by faith in Christ's cleansing blood, we are now ready and willing to help improve the spiritual life of the brethren. Those who desire the office of a bishop must be blameless. Ministers who desire to "perfect that which is lacking in [the] faith" of congregations (1Thessalonians 3:10) must not tolerate or excuse imperfection in their own lives. indeed, all of us, the sons of God, are encouraged to "be blameless and harmless, whithout rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15). Only then can we "[hold] forth the life," bringing sinners to Christ and leading believers to greater experiences in Christ. Holiness of heart, practical righteousenss and purity of in tention make us awesome, useful, profitable instruments in God's Hands. However, we must always remember that removing a mote, a tiny particle from another person's eye is not a task which any careless hand can successfully undertake. We need training and skill if we would not make bad matters worse. The eye is the most sensitive organ of the body and the most easily damaged. A gentle and well-guided hand is required to extract a foreign substance from it. And the person from whose eye the splinter is to removed must be willling for us to do it- his unwillingness or resistance will make the operation impossible. you wisdom makes him will to allow you to extract the mote while your love is the local anaesthetic that minimizes the pain of the operation. >> READ MORE.... Matthew 7:5; Luke 1:15-17; Deuteronomy 6:5-7; Malachi 2:5-7; Jeremiah 23:21,22; Galatians 6:1-4; philippians 2:3-16; Colossians 3:12-16; 1Thessalonians 2:7-12 Acts 20:28; 1Timothy 4:12,15,16; Titus2:7,8.

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